STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
Package Core Co., Ltd.
Cosmetic container sales, cosmetics development, OEM
P A CKAGE C O RE can help
We will deliver Japanese quality products by utilizing the bonds cultivated through many years of overseas exchange.
Technology based on our own quality evaluation
We dispatch people to give guidance
Various additions to a wide variety of overseas containers
We also accept decorations and planning and development.
The spread of corona infection has spread all over the world, and individual and national responses to prevent infection are required.
The flow of people has been hampered, exchanges have changed to online methods, and product sales and online sales are increasing rapidly. Lifestyles, business methods, working styles, etc. have changed significantly. Furthermore, attention is focused on global warming, extreme weather, reduction of plastic waste, circulating economy, SDGs, and EGS, and we are shifting to management that clearly sets out corporate social responsibility, led by major companies.
Even if it is a small company, we think that we must take responsibility for fulfilling our social responsibilities in the future, considering the global natural environment, and we are putting it into practice.
Manufacturing techniques and ideas are evolving day by day, and we are constantly studying and practicing. We have advanced experience, production technology, management, quality inspection, and human education through interaction with our manufacturing colleagues. Going forward, we will continue to work together to take on the challenge of producing and providing containers that consumers and users can use safely and securely.