STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
Introducing the process
Introducing the process from receiving a new cosmetic container sales project to delivering the product.
1. New business negotiation
We will introduce the process of listening to customer requests in detail and commercializing them.
STEP1 We will discuss the application, specifications, container shape, contents, contents, design concept, quantity, price, etc.
STEP2 We will propose a container shape by selecting it from our exhibition samples, catalogs, etc.
STEP3 The shape is decided and we will propose by ordering samples from overseas manufacturers.
STEP4 Confirm the decoration contents and submit a quotation
STEP5 You will be asked to specify the purchase order, print block copy, and each color.
STEP6 After the block copy acceptance inspection, the manufacturer submits the block copy for approval.
STEP7 Submit samples for filling test, functional test, content promotion test
STEP8 We will submit a sample for final approval after the version is completed and the test is approved.
STEP9 Mass production will start after the final sample approval
2. Quality inspection
The containers we provide are 100% imported from overseas. Introducing Procell to guarantee quality
STEP1 Select a new manufacturer and visit the country to investigate equipment, quality, environment, organization, quality control, owner's way of thinking, etc.
STEP2 We perform quality evaluation assessment for selected manufacturers. "About the company", "Production factory", " About decoration ",
6 processes of "equipment / mold", "quality control", "packaging warehouse shipping", 40 items each, 240 items in total
Investigate and evaluate with evaluation points
STEP3 We regularly provide education on Japanese quality, environment, equipment, production control, and quality control to manufacturers who have passed the quality evaluation assessment.
STEP4 Quality inspection, acceptance inspection, in-process inspection, AQL sampling inspection, pre-shipment inspection are carried out to maintain, record and confirm the quality.